Potentially one of the most difficult things an adult can go through is divorce or separation. All things dear to you may be on the line: your children and their education, support and well-being, your homes, finances, cars… The rupture of your marriage, or relationship, can drain you both emotionally and financially OR although probably emotional, it can be managed in such a way as to minimize the negative impact as much as possible.
Having been called to the Barreau in 1995, I have the experience and dedication required to help you through this. I have extensive knowledge of family law and a practical approach to conflict resolution. I firmly believe that the best results are achieved through negotiation and out-of-court settlement rather than before the Courts. The law affords you protection and equity and there is little reason why full blown litigation is required when the “big picture” is properly mapped out, analysed and presented.
In cases however where alternative resolutions are not an option, I am passionate and skilled to vehemently defend your rights before the Courts. When all the information is presented fully, justly and equitably, opposing counsel and I can perhaps manage to settle at least some aspects prior to appearing before a Judge. Even where this is unattainable, you can trust me to offer a well presented picture of your situation to the Court in order for a Judge to have all elements required to render a decision.
Each party hires a lawyer to represent them before the Court. Herein lies the importance of choosing a lawyer who will vehemently defend your case but who nevertheless favors negotiation and settlement out of court. The spouses must, however, participate in a mediation info session prior to proceeding by litigation.
The couple attends private sessions and works together with the mediator to resolve all aspects of the breakup of their relationship. Herein lies the importance of choosing a mediator who knows family law well in order to reach a comprehensive, friendly and equitable agreement.